Thursday 4 August 2011

Sunshine (2008-2011)

Picture taken in June

Sunshine ..... she gave us lots of joy but she passed away much... much too young.

In human equivalent, she died around 35+ years old and probably due to our poor parenting.

On 28th July, we discovered blood in her pooh and at that time, we only had the choice of 24hours veterinary hospitals. The nearest one we found was near Jalan Gasing and phoned ahead with her symptoms. On arrival at almost midnight, the attending doctor said he does not handle small animals and asked us to go to the Jalan Pekeliling one. (clenched fists and red faces!!)

The attending doctor assured us that his recommended one will treat Sunshine and he even tried to punch in the hospital's co-ordinates into our car's GPS. We got lost and with the Jalan Pekeliling hospital guiding us, we finally arrived at slightly past 1.30 a.m. The attending doctor saw Sunshine and said he does not handle small animals. (aarrrrhhhhhhh!!!)

Poor Sunshine, sicked and still have to travel so much so late in the night. We finally put her back into her "home" past 2am.

Next day, we rushed her to her veterinary doctor of 3 years and she was under her care for the next 5 days. On the fifth day, the doctor called to tell us Sunshine has recovered and can go home. We joyfully collected her but Sunshine did not eat nor drink. We hand fed her but she only eat very very little. 1.5 days later, we checked her back to the clinic. (worried!!)

Next day, the doctor called to tell us that Sunshine was vomiting a lot. One hour later, she called again and gave us the bad news - Sunshine died and she died horribly. (solemn faces and wet eyes)

We now only have memories of her.......fond memories.

Sunshine's home was a 120 litres dog cage. Yes, it was big for her but we wanted her to have a big comfortable home. Her grill door was never locked and she always behaved herself and stayed home.

Every morning, she will remind us to give her her favourite fruit or vege when she sees us on our way out to work. Sunshine's home was by the front entrance. Her reminder styles were to scream at us or push open her door to stick her head out and stare at us or for last resort, she got angry and grinded her teeth against the metal grill to make louder noises.

Of course, how can we ignored such attention she gave us. She got her favourite fruit or vege and also her hay and pallets. Plus fresh water with Vitamin C drops in it.

Everytime we came home, Sunshine will stay put quietly until we call her. Upon hearing her name, she will screamed at us and poke her head out of her door to stare at us. Yupe, we will give her her favorite fruit and vege.

Sunshine was also smart in that she screamed when the lower fridge door of our 3 door fridge was opened. We have not figured out how she knew that the lower fridge compartment was where we kept fruits and vege. It can't be the smell as we doubt smell travels that fast. We will never know now.

Whenever we took her out to explore, there was always damage to our stuff. Gnawed wires, paper, etc. What we will give to have her gnawing at our things now. She normally settled down after exploring and stayed put beside our laptops with her big eyes staring at us. We stopped taking her out to the gardens as we feared for her safety with so many cats around the condo.

Sunshine purred a lot whenever we rubbed her all over or when we tickled her at the underside of her neck. She loved such attention a lot.

Sunshine had only been on one road trip to Penang and we decided no more as we felt it can be quite hazardous for her. As such, Sunshine went into boarding when we traveled or she got cared for by our loved ones.

Sunshine's favourite groomer will also miss her. We recalled how sweet smelling Sunshine was after her regular grooming.

Of course, Sunshine also felt cleaned after her weekly bath when her home got washed and lined with new bedding. She loved apple flavoured bedding.

Goodbye Sunshine and hope you are granted a good after life. We miss you.

Sunshine after her grooming... fur trimmed... nails trimmed...bath and powdered.

Sunshine when she was younger in her large comfortable home

Sunshine when she was young and small

Sunshine bigger and older, getting an almost real kiss..

Sunshine posing with my wife

Thursday 30 June 2011



I have been advised by friends that this is the easiest way to get what I want to share with PEN Lovers around the world my 2 weeks with the OLYMPUS PEN E-P3.

My humble ebook on this is available at

My humble SOOC pictures are available for download and pixel peep at

Thank you.